Grade 7 Extended French Litteratie en action Module 1


Posted by wcanaan | Posted in 7 Extended | Posted on October 27, 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers:
We are starting a new unit in Littératie en action 7 called Des catastrophes naturelles.
Students will explore the unit question, “How do people survive natural disasters?” They will
read information texts that explain how disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes happen.
Students will also read a poem and a novel excerpt based on the unit topic.
The learning goals for this unit include :

Students will practise and apply the comprehension strategies: make connections, pause
and check, summarize, and find clues to word meaning. They will also learn how to
interpret diagrams.

Students will learn about the text form explanations. They will write their own explanations.

Oral Communication
Students will practise discussion skills and strategies.

Media Literacy
Students will analyze news stories. They will examine the design techniques used to present
news stories, and the different points of view presented.
At the end of unit study, students will show what they have learned by creating a media kit to
help people survive a natural disaster. They will use reading, writing, oral, and media skills
and strategies to complete the task.
You can support the learning goals for this unit at home by discussing the unit topic, as well
as the unit skills and strategies presented in this unit.

We are looking forward to an exciting unit!
Teacher: Wanda Canaan

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